I was very pleased to pass the exam in October 2021 to receive my NBC-HWC designation. This credential is based on extensive research and training and holds the profession to the highest standards. This credential is also touted as allowing the profession to become...
Putin versus Zelenkyy: Leadership in Action

Putin versus Zelenkyy: Leadership in Action

The world continues to be transfixed by the daily developments in Ukraine. Sometimes it feels like there is a large chess game happening right in front of our eyes. On one side, Vladamir Putin continues to dig into his position of “liberating Ukraine from Nazis” and...
Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook

In the movie, Silver Linings Playbook, Bradley Cooper stars as a young man coming to terms with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Through the movie, we see his experience of becoming increasingly symptomatic at times as he struggles to accept his illness. In the end,...